June 6, 2017

Recovery Plan

I had three hours this morning (state test time and today I was backup in case my co-teacher needed a break from our one-on-one kid) so I made a "recovery plan" for all my kids with low grades. Since we're doing standards based grading I created one sheet with all 12 standards listed and copied it for all the relevant kids. Then for each standard I provided their average and a list of assignments/assessments they owed or earned a 2 for (out of 5). I want to spend our time reviewing for the final exam as productively as possible so I intend to pick a couple topics a day and instruct students to first do their make up work and then use my review materials.

I also announced today that I had made these lists and students should come after school to work on things. It was great to be able to just hand kids that piece of paper when they showed up after school rather than having a line of kids waiting for me to look things up on the computer for them to do. Next year we'll have the online gradebook visible to students and parents the whole year so I hope to develop a culture of students looking at their own list of missing work but for the remaining few weeks of school I'm excited to have this list. Since I typed the plans I can reprint if kids lose them which is still faster than looking up all the assignments they owe. I would love to have a grading system that would automatically generate something like this (not just assignments marked as missing but also ones that were largely incomplete or incorrect). Someone mentioned adding assignments to google classroom and having kids check them off as they're submitted. Does anyone do this for all their assignments? Does google classroom make it easy to search? Can I flag certain assignments for the class? (One period didn't hear my instruction to hand in an assignment and I'm missing more than I have despite them all completing it in class.) My time is probably better spent teaching them to read the online gradebook I have to use unless there's an alternative that's amazingly kid friendly. One more thing to add to the list for next year...

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