May 15, 2014

Geometry Resources

It appears to be around the time when people find out about next year's schedule. Just as I move away from teaching geometry (I will most likely have Algebra 1 and PreCalc) Sam is taking on a geometry course. He put out a call for resources. While I've posted about many of my geometry activities, I don't know that reading through blog posts gives a sense of organization or how my course really works. I have all of my resources well organized in dropbox, but that doesn't help someone else. Even with my co-workers, I share my entire dropbox folder with them but they tend not to search through it for resources unless we have a conversation which I can conveniently end with "that file is in the dropbox" rather than "I'll try to remember to send it to you later."

So I thought maybe I could add a page to this blog where I linked to prior posts in the order that I teach them along with other projects I've taken from other people. A chronological Virtual Filing Cabinet of sorts. But Michael is always bold in his thoughts and he said:

Which reminded me of a few summers ago when Matt Enlow started a conversation about rethinking geometry. We started a wiki. And I had this crazy idea that I would make an iPad friendly website that would have all of my favorite activities built in. It would be the interactive textbook of the next generation. Can you tell I had just finished PCMI and was brimming with ideas and a whole month with nothing planned? Needless to say that project never came to fruition. But I fully believe in the potential for awesome if I had infinite time for such projects:

However, I do not have time for such a thing. So, what would be a helpful way for me to share my geometry resources as I move on from this course?

1 comment:

  1. "What would be a helpful way for me to share my geometry resources as I move on from this course?"

    I wonder if something that tries to condense and systemize your approach to teaching geometry could be more helpful than lessons? I learned a lot from Kate's "Math Lesson Formula," for instance:

    Maybe there's a lesson or two that you can point to as paradigmatic of your approach to the class?
