December 12, 2012

Laws of Sines and Cosines

Honors PreCalculus is essentially a new prep for me (although there was that one year where I taught a combination PreCalc/Calc class...) and I'm not a big fan of our textbook, so this unit was the first one I was really happy with.  We started the year with trigonometry and went through radians, unit circles, graphing and identities.  By the time we finished identities students were desperate to solve an equation, any equation, and get a number as an answer.  Enter, law of sines and law of cosines.  I wanted students to prove the laws before they used them, so I searched through my pile of textbooks and found a nice sequence for law of sines in the Discovering Geometry book.  It offered more scaffolding than I wanted to give students, so I shortened the procedure and put the pieces I took out on hint cards.  For law of cosines I couldn't find an investigation I liked in any of the books I have, so I turned to the internet.  Illuminations has a nice activity that I again modified to remove some of the scaffolding to hint cards, where only students who needed the extra help would get it.  I thought it was important for students to see the standard form of law of cosines because it makes the formula so much easier to memorize, and the beauty of its symmetry as well as its association with the pythagorean theorem jump out at you.  The hint cards worked great for students who were absent from class as well; when students work together they each figure out different parts of the problem, but without someone to bounce ideas off of they relied more on the hints.  Those students were able to work independently after school while I helped other students, which was a huge help on the super busy days.

law of sines, cosines

Once students had proven the laws, it was time to practice them.  One of the complaints I have about my textbook is the sheer lack of problems.  There aren't enough problems on any given topic to both practice in class and review for homework.  This unit I started projecting problems during class for students to solve.  I've been hesitant to do this in the past since students don't work at the same pace.  There are a million reasons why someone might work slower and I don't like rushing anyone through problems.  The students, however, loved this format.  They all want to know instantly whether they got the right answer, and before I changed each slide I would write up the correct answers for students to check their work.  They're also big fans of not carrying a huge textbook around.  I found that by the time some students had finished the four problems on a slide, everyone else had finished at least two.  And if I gave the students who finished first the responsibility of helping others they would be content waiting a couple extra minutes (and those minutes wouldn't be wasted since they were working with other students).  This format also keeps the momentum going so students see at least a couple of each type of problem.  I've mostly been using kuta worksheets, but have had to google for random worksheets when they don't cover a topic (which got me in trouble once since a test problem I pulled from a random site was impossible! Luckily I realized this before the test, but sadly after I'd copied it.)

Once students were comfortable solving for both sides and angles using both formulas, we looked into some applications.  I had students draw different triangles using rulers and protractors to introduce ambiguous triangles.  The book goes into 6 different cases (acute, obtuse, h<a, h>a etc.) which is far too many for my brain to consider at once.  Instead, my approach is: try to solve the triangle and see what happens!  If we get an equation with no solution, it's impossible.  If we get an equation with two solutions, try them both to see if each makes sense.  Voila, we have determined if there are 2 triangles, 1 triangle or no triangles.  Reasoning and sense making have much higher value in my classroom than memorization.  Though I did expect students to have memorized law of sines and law of cosines, they didn't complain about it at all because after doing a significant number of practice problems, everyone learned the equations by heart.

Finally, we looked at area of triangles.  I remembered to do $\frac{1}{2}ab\text{ sin}(C)$ but forgot Hero(n)'s formula until after the test.  We derived the first equation, but the second is just too tedious.  Instead I had students find the area given 3 sides (so they used the law of cosines followed by  $\frac{1}{2}ab\text{ sin}(C)$) once, asked them to evaluate $T=sqrt{s(s-xa)(s-b)(s-c)}$ and they said "aha! that's the area!"  I explained that they were perfectly capable of proving that formula as well, but it involved finding the difference of squares several times over and I figured I'd save them the effort.  Some students were interested in more detail, others responded "Thank goodness for Heron!"

I enjoyed this unit since it was a nice balance of abstract and concrete.  We drew actual triangles and talked about what made sense in the context of a triangle (I hope that these students still expect math to make sense), but also derived formulas.  To review for the test (and meet my quarterly writing prompt requirement) I had students describe what you could use the law of sines and the law of cosines for.  I have yet to read those or grade their tests (procrastination is an issue lately) but the quizzes went great.  Nearly every student earned a 3 or a 4, and the threes were typically because they didn't specify needing an opposite pair when describing "What information do you need to use the law of sines?"

December 10, 2012

A Typical Class

My school runs on A/B days with four 90 minute blocks each day. I love, love, love long blocks. I follow essentially the same routine in all my classes (this year- Fundamentals of Geometry, regular (CP) Geometry and Honors PreCalc).  Routines are really important in running class efficiently, so I want to share my approach and hope to hear about yours!

As students arrive they see:

For geometry I pull the word of the day from this list, for PreCalc I pull from SAT words. However, I have gotten feedback that students really aren't learning the words since they are totally unfamiliar (sad!) and we don't practice them. So I am going to switch to using their English vocab words and have a plan to eventually create a cross curricular list of key words for each grade level that we can all pull from to support each other.

As soon as the bell rings I get students' attention by saying "good morning, I need eyes up here and voices quiet." First I ask if anyone has heard of the word, then if they can define the word and finally I unveil the definition (it's hidden under that box).

Next up I remind students what their homework was and to have it out on their desk for me to check (homework is a mere 10% of their grade and I check for completion, half credit can be earned for late homework- the only thing I grade where lateness has an adverse effect). While I check homework students take a quiz (questions projected, answers and work - when applicable - written on quarter sheets of scrap paper).

For regular geometry and PreCalc this quiz is on the material we learned 2 classes ago and went over the homework for last class (1. learn, 2. review, 3. quiz). For fundamentals of geometry this is an "in quiz" on the material we will learn that day, it should alert students what they need to focus on to be successful that day. Quizzes are always 3 questions on one standard. I do the orange pen method with the regular quizzes (my co-teacher and I grade the in quizzes with the out quizzes later to check for progress). Students really want to know if they're right as soon as they're done, so now is the best time to give feedback. This also makes quizzes great for me to grade- I'm spending less time locating errors and more time noticing common issues and giving a grade that tells a student what level they are at (most know already, but some kids think a small mistake is a big deal or vice versa).

When everyone is done with their quiz we go over the homework. For PreCalc the homework involves mostly multi step problems so I project my worked out solutions (love my document projector) and they ask questions. For geometry the homework is a mix of short and multi step so we work out each problem together. I solicit responses with justifications and don't write anything on the board that didn't come from a student. The difference between the levels is mainly the amount of time it would take to do the same procedure in PreCalc. I started the year asking them to pick just a few problems to go over (I would make sure they were representative of all the problems) but students really wanted to know if all their answers were correct so I started projecting all the solutions. It works great though! They don't just copy my solutions but ask questions and are happy to work through a problem with justifications even though it's already worked out on the projector.

After the homework we move to some type of exploration, formalization or proof and practice. (That's the stuff I usually write about.)  During class I make sure everything is carefully organized- I have a filing system where I keep copies of things to hand out and students know procedures for finding tools and handing in assignments.  (I love that choosing appropriate tools is a practice standard which means it's up to them to decide what might be useful and get it.)

Students usually get a one minute warning to finish the problem they are working on before we transition to the end of class routine. Ten minutes before the end of the period I switch the slide to the "out quiz" in the fundamentals class.  This is the exact same slide as they saw earlier, I just changed the word "in" to "out." When everyone has finished (after about five minutes) I project the final slide: journal and homework.

In the other classes I project the final slide five minutes before the bell. Students are responsible for writing in their journal (and handing it in if it's a Friday), recording their homework and cleaning up their area before they leave.

Having these routines that I follow nearly every class means students know what to do with minimal prompting at the beginning and end of class. Students frequently remark "this class goes by fast!" which is a huge compliment. It means that students are busy (routines limit down time) and doing something that interests them. Having a routine also means I'm not scrambling at the beginning or end of class. It takes me one loop of the room to check homework using my fancy clipboard (up the first aisle and down the third means I can hit all four columns of desk pairs in one loop) so I have time to set up materials for the day or put in attendance. My first year teaching that bell at the end of class would always catch me off guard and I'd be yelling out the homework as they packed up. Now kids remind me it's journal time if I haven't switched the slide at the right time. However, class isn't exactly the same every day, there's a good hour in the middle that changes structure regularly. That's the part that I spend my time prepping and where the new learning happens. Class can't be all new learning all the time, students need to reflect, review and try out their new knowledge in an assessment, so I find this routine allows for a good balance of new and review.

I'd love to hear what structures you have found for your classroom. Especially if you have shorter periods, I know that doing everything I do in one day is impossible. When I had 45 minute classes each day of the week had a different routine so I would be sure to get to everything in a week.

December 9, 2012

Parallel Lines and Transversals

Each quarter I have my geometry students write a lab report.  First quarter we study lines and angles, so the lab is on parallel lines and transversals.  Second quarter is congruent triangles (coming soon), third quarter is area of quadrilaterals (although I will probably re-write this one yet again) and fourth quarter is aging trees (unit on circles).  I like doing these reports since it formalizes some of the experimentation we do and it involves technical writing, which is what mathematical writing should be.  Plus I love science so I'm happy to support them by having students practice using the same format as the science department does.  To make life easier (for me and my students) I give them a template to fill out which makes it quite clear what the sections are and what information goes into each one.

This lesson was student's first time using GeoGebra this year.  As Kate said, it's just such a hassle to get and set up technology I can't be bothered to use it often.  However, students were going to take a test on the first half of the lines and angles unit, then use the computers.  This was a nice set up; since not every kid got a laptop at the same time I had the freedom to help each student log in and get started.  Staggered start times seems to be a good technique for successful tech integration.

Since it was students' first foray into GeoGebra they had 10 minutes to explore.  Some students didn't want to take the time to explore, which surprised me.  Those same students then asked me where to find the tools, so of course my response was - "Explore! Find them yourself."  If students had taken time to look around and still didn't understand how to use the program I was happy to help troubleshoot, but the directions are sufficiently clear that students who are willing to put in some effort can successfully complete this lab independently.  I only gave them the first two pages of the document below to star and encouraged them to write down as many observations as possible.  Some students tried to skip drawing the second set of angles, and quite a few students had trouble measuring all 8 angles in the diagram (showing them how to move the numbers into a more convenient location is key, otherwise the measurements all pile up and it is confusing).  When students claimed to be done, I gave them the lab report format (pages 3 & 4).  For the regular level class the report was assigned as homework, for the fundamentals level they completed as much as possible for homework, then we shared and filled in the gaps the following class.

Transversal GeoGebra Lab
(This is a pdf, for an editable version you can use this .doc but the formatting isn't exactly right)

I had a student refer back to the first handout just last week (months later) when they needed to review angle pairs even though we took notes and made flappers (scroll down for images and find a description above the photos), so apparently the lab made enough of an impression that it was what they chose to look for as reference.

December 8, 2012

Summer Programs

I've spent the past 7 summers working or participating in a math camp, so obviously I'm a fan of attending summer programs.  Sadly the first program I worked at, Summer Math at Mount Holyoke, is no longer in existence.  But the two programs I've attended for the past 5 years are still around and there's a new one that I can't wait to join this year!

Park City Math Institute:

Commonly known as PCMI, this is a three week long program in Park City Utah. Spend your morning working in groups through challenging and intriguing problem sets, followed by engaging discussions of pedagogy. Enjoy a buffet lunch outside before you join a group (chosen during application process) to create a product that will be used during the year. Evenings are filled with sessions, meetings of the minds to share practices/continue solving the problems, or enjoying wine and cheese while watching the sunset. Weekends offer the opportunity to take advantage of a wide variety of outdoor activities in the mountains and explorations of the quiet center of town. Park City is a ski destination, but summer is off season so you can enjoy deals and a slower pace.

Apply now:
June 30 – July 20

Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists, for Teachers

Commonly known as PROMYS for Teachers this is a six week long program at Boston University. It is best described as "drinking from a fire hose." The number theory course is so jam packed with ideas to discover and theorems to prove that people attend for two summers to have a second chance to access more of the curriculum. While pedagogy discussions are saved for the school year, the program models exactly the kind of classroom I aspire to have. Problem sets are well crafted to be perfectly scaffolded with multiple entry points. Lectures follow the problem sets, summarizing and making connections after you explore. The ratio of T^2's (teacher teachers) to participants is such that you get quality feedback on your work daily, and they practice questioning techniques that never give away solutions but get you to think carefully and figure things out for yourself. It's an intense program but I'm hoping to be there as a T^2 this summer, after participating in some aspect for 3 summers (the third was a hyperbolic geometry course run the same way) so I obviously think its a worthwhile way to spend the summer.

Apply soon, read all about it now:
July 1 - August 9 (I'm guessing, the dates aren't up yet) (I'm in that photo!)

Twitter Math Camp

Commonly know as #TMC13 this is a 4 day program which will be held at Drexel University this year. I missed #TMC12 but will definitely be attending this year. Details are still being planned but I can't wait for an exciting combination of problem solving, sharing and playing!

No application necessary:
July 25-28

Blog posts about summer programs in 2012.

December 3, 2012

Geometry Unit 2: Lines and Angles

Most geometry courses start with the study of "point, line, plane" but I was tired of that discussion.  Kids have been plotting points and graphing lines on the plane for years and I need to start assuming they learned in past courses (and fill in gaps if I see them) rather than planning to review everything.  I want more depth in my classes, so that means trusting students have enough background that when I say "point" they can conceptualize what I'm referring to.  Given all of that, we jumped right into lines and angles.

To introduce each unit I have some open question(s) for students to explore.  For this unit we looked at: "What can you make with 2 lines? 3 lines?"  Before we started I asked them to write down everything they knew about lines.  Students recalled words like parallel, perpendicular, intersecting and slope.  Then they started drawing lines, observing angles and previewing ideas that would come up (all the way through when we draw 2 parallel lines and a transversal).  I used some more hint cards which asked questions about max and min numbers of angles, number of intersections, types of angles etc.  We ended up with open questions such as "are obtuse angles always opposite each other?" which we picked right up on the next class.

Our first 'lesson' (focused exploration) I had everyone draw a pair of intersecting (but not perpendicular) lines and make observations about that particular diagram.  They discovered equal angles (which I shared we call vertical angles) and supplementary angles next to each other (which we call adjacent).  The journal question at the end of class asked "What are two ways we used the word vertical today?"  (i.e. yup, I know it's weird but let's just get it out there now- there are vertical lines and vertical angles and they're different things.)

Next day: Now that we've been talking all about angles, we should probably decide what an angle really is.  So, we break them apart and realize they're made of a point (vertex) and parts of lines (rays).  Good to know.  Lines and rays are both infinite, but somehow lines seems longer.  That's an interesting concept!  Journal: Compare and contrast lines and rays.

Continuing on we mix in some algebra, learn to bisect and define linear pair.

To many people this unit seems backwards.  Rays are one of the last things we define and the word segment has yet to appear, we talk all about angles for two blocks without defining them!  I'm striving to have vocabulary come after students have already studied something and they are struggling to describe it, or are tired of saying an entire phrase (we could say: "the angles opposite from each other when lines intersect" but mathematicians are lazy and so they say: "vertical angles").  I also recognize that (especially at the beginning) high school geometry is refining knowledge that students already have.  They can draw an angle without knowing that it's made of a vertex and two rays, they also have probably heard the words vertex and ray before, but we don't need that vocabulary to discuss when angles are equal.  I want to introduce words when we need them.  Otherwise, words are things to memorize.  Geometry is still a lot of vocabulary that they need to learn, but at least if students have some experience with a concept they can attach the word to the memory rather than trying to understand the concept while learning the word.

Next up is parallel lines and transversals, and I put together a GeoGebra experiment for them to explore these angles.  Apparently I haven't blogged this yet.  I'll add it to the 'to write' list.  [12/9/12 edited to add link and strikethrough sentences about not having a link.] Again though, students explore, make observations, then get the names for the angle pairs.

To apply all that they have learned about angles in an interesting way, students fold a piece of origami paper in a specific way that creates lots of nice angle pairs.  Ever so appropriately I call this task Origami Angles. This activity is also our introduction to proof!

In the past I've had some fun with writing crazy sentences and having kids write the inverse, converse and contrapositive.  However, none of those terms are in the common core and we never used inverse or contrapositive again after this one section on writing sentences, so I dropped it down to just introducing the term converse this year.  In particular, we wrote the converse of all the parallel line and transversal statements- once students were convinced that congruent angles meant parallel lines we knew another way to prove lines parallel.

We ended this unit with some more formal proofs using proof cards.

Common Core State Standards:

G.CO.9: prove theorems about lines and angles (vertical angles, alternate interior, corresponding)
G.GPE.5: prove the slope criteria for parallel and perpendicular lines and use them to solve geometric problems.
G.CO.1know the precise definitions of: angle, parallel, perpendicular