So, why might you care about this giant organization that is slow to change? Here are four reasons:
1) Advocacy
2) Resources
3) Community
4) Professionalism
1) Whether you join it or not, NCTM is the professional organization representing math teachers in this country (and Canada). When they make a statement, it is on behalf of all of us. "NCTM constantly monitors legislative and policy developments in Washington with the assistance of Washington Partners LLC. The monthly Capitol Report is a concise timely overview of legislative and policy issues of particular interest to mathematics educators and education." An increase in membership would increase the power of the advocacy sector of NCTM two-fold. One, when lobbyists say they represent an organization of 60,000 professionals that's powerful, imagine the power of an organization of over 100,000 professionals (as NCTM was in its prime). Two, more members means more money to spend on advocacy projects. What would you like to see NCTM take a firm stance on?
2) I mostly think of the things I get when I consider what NCTM is or does. I get the Mathematics Teacher journal (with membership, or to purchase by issue without membership). I get Illuminations and ARCs lessons and interactives (free for everyone). Sometimes there are helpful compilations of all of the above: first days of school. Even without a compilation I know that all of the materials I find from NCTM are high quality. In addition to teaching materials there are also other resources including books, blogs, webinars, grants for curriculum work, a job board and more!
3) Before social media exploded, professional organizations were one of the few ways to build community. We can have a lot of our collaborative needs met in other ways now, but there's something to be said for the broader community available through a large, long standing organization. Attending conferences is a quality way to learn what's new in research, what modifications people have made to make past research work, what's new in tech... Plus it's an opportunity to hang out with other people who get what its like to spend most of your professional life as the only adult in the room! If you can't make it to an in person conference fear not, you'll be able to form communities online soon. The online portal (yet to be named) will open in October. On multiple occasions we have wished for a space where we could organize all of the resources we find around the internet into lessons, units or curriculum. The problem was this was always too big of a project for a group of full time educators to take on. NCTM has the structure and funding to make this happen. It will begin as a simple forum but as more people join and request features I have faith it will turn into the amazing tool that I've been dreaming of since I got a sneak preview of the proposal in May.
4) NCTM embodies professionalism in the ways that it represents the work of teachers. But it also gives me some opportunities to grow as a professional on a career path that doesn't involve leaving the classroom. People outside of education see administration as the next step from classroom teacher. NCTM offers presenter, committee member, content developer, author, advocate and so many more titles that can support teacher growth while keeping them in the classroom.
p.s. I was researching car insurance because Jordan is getting her license this year(!) and discovered Geico has a discount for NCTM members. Surprise bonus! Who knows what else NCTM can do for you?
Thanks for this post! I'm excited that you're so involved in NCTM. It's also obvious that NCTM is making a huge push to transform itself in so many ways. NCTM's contribution to professional communities especially speaks to me.
ReplyDeleteNCTM embodies professionalism in the ways that it represents the work of teachers.
(Trying to balance making a criticism without being incendiary! Also trying to make a criticism that I don't entirely have the language. Apologies for anything that follows, which I'm not at all sure about.)
One thing that frustrates me, at times, is the vision of professionalism I take from NCTM. Take, for example, the journals. The journals definitely are a forum for writing about teaching, but only in a very limited way. You can't disagree with Principles to Actions in an NCTM publication. As a teacher, your contributions are limited to providing classroom support to NCTM principles/standards. Same with the conferences and presentations -- what if you just wanted to share math at an NCTM conference? That wouldn't make the cut. And while I understand that it's difficult to decide on a common rubric or set of standards, I think it's worth taking a step back and looking critically at the vision of classroom professionalism that NCTM embodies -- as it can never be a truly general, value-neutral one.
So: what is the NCTM vision of classroom teacher professionalism?