This school year has been challenging. I think I've grown a lot as a person but as my life extends beyond being a classroom teacher, my teaching has been affected. With two months left in the year I want to take the push that Annie offered via #MTBoS30 to do some reflecting on my school year and what I need to do to achieve better balance going forward. I will try some prompts like these and then we'll see how it goes. You should join me in blogging this month about school, life, liberty, justice, ya know, whatever words seem to fit together...
Prompt 9 seems particularly appropriate today:
Make a list of the people in your life who genuinely support you, and who you can genuinely trust. (Then make time to hang out with them.)
I woke up this morning to a lovely post from Fawn; this community is absolutely filled with people who genuinely support me. I couldn't begin to list all of them, but I appreciate every one of you. Then best friend Ashli told me that she's applying to speak at the NCTM annual meeting. Last year I did a lot of speaking and it was hard to travel that much. This year I didn't do much speaking and it was hard to not see everyone. It is important to make time to hang out with my support group, so today I'm joining my friends in submitting a proposal to speak in San Antonio. It will be hard to find somewhere for Jordan to stay and then deal with the guilt of traveling without her. It will be hard to make sub plans and then accept that the students might not be given the same opportunities to explore as they would if I were teaching. It ... won't be hard to justify the expense. While my school occasionally finds funds to cover my registration fees, they definitely won't be able to cover travel and hotel (want to be my roommate?) but quality time with my tribe is worth it.
Thanks for all your support, this year especially. I can't wait to see you at TMC, a local tweet up, NCTM or on the interwebs!

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