March 14, 2013

Instagram for Quadrilaterals

I knew my geometry classes needed to review properties of quadrilaterals and one of my coworkers had her students make posters. They looked good and filled all the requirements of the lesson (draw and describe a quadrilateral) so I decided to do the same. I had planned to give students a list of necessary elements and then charge them to be creative by making a Facebook profile, advertisement or whatever they came up with. The morning of I was worried they wouldn't be very creative. As I was getting dressed I finally figured it out: I wanted them to draw five examples, which is like five photos... they should make Instagram profiles, complete with captions, comments and hashtags! I raced to school to adjust the requirements to use the right lingo, and voila: engagement. In fact, one of my students told a student from the next class about the project and she responded "Why don't we get to do that?!" I was thrilled to be able to say "you will once we finish a few things" because once news spread about making instagrams, everyone wanted to hurry up and finish the first part of the lesson.

The posters looked great, but more importantly students spent time thinking about definitions and properties of quadrilaterals- the real goal of the lesson.

Not everyone added faces but it's such fun to
see what the artistic students are capable of!

My Favorite Caption: Four sides #AllEqual!

I had hoped to let them gallery walk and leave more comments via post-it, but a blizzard foiled my plans. Maybe next year...


  1. This is such a fun idea. Thanks for you sharing your idea. Can't wait to share this idea with our Math Coordinators at City Year.

  2. Do you have a rubric that you used to grade this?

  3. Kara - I don't remember how I graded them. If you come up with one please share as I will be doing this project again soon!

  4. I absolutely LOVE this idea! This is great! I will definitely be doing this with my classes this year.

  5. Thanks for this great idea! Has anyone created a rubric for it yet?

  6. Do you have a file/document that you hand out to them with directions/expectations?

  7. I love this! I'm going to try this in class tomorrow!

  8. This is such a great idea. I found your website through a link on solvemymaths. This will definitely engage my bottom set first thing on a Monday - really looking forward to seeing how this works tomorrow!
